Getting Started

How to join our vibrant community

Begin your next chapter with Rangiora Lifecare

Moving yourself or a loved one into a rest home or retirement village is a significant decision and one we understand isn’t made lightly. Not only do you need to know that you will be in good hands, but also that you will be shown the respect, empathy and understanding you deserve.

This is why we encourage all potential residents and their families to visit our locations in person. Meet our passionate team of aged care professionals, chat with our residents, and experience the authentic appeal of our warm and welcoming environment.

Before you book your tour, we suggest your read the following steps to better understand the process of moving to Rangiora Lifecare to ensure a smooth transition.


A step-by-step guide to joining our community

If you or a loved one is interested in becoming a resident, read our simple step-by-step guide for how to get started.

  • To determine the level of care and government assistance you are entitled to you are required to complete a formal assessment by your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination agency (NASC). Your GP can refer you or you can contact them directly to arrange an appointment. A NASC representative will visit you to review your lifestyle and care needs.

    For specific care needs relating to dementia, a specialist may be involved in the assessment process, such as a Psychiatrist of Old Age or Geriatrician.

  • A wide range of funding options is available to help cover the costs of living at Rangiora Lifecare. Prior to your visit, we recommend exploring what financial assistance you may be eligible for and what aspects of care are not covered by government subsidies

    One of our team will be happy to talk you through the process of securing funding. 

    Learn more about costs and funding.

  • Once you have established your care eligibility and what funding may be available, arrange a time to visit your preferred Rangiora Lifecare property. Bainswood House consists of rest home rooms, a collection of assisted-living apartments and independent living villas. Bainswood on Victoria is a modern care home that can provide residents with hospital and rest home level care, while Bainlea House is our specialised dementia care home.

  • After visiting one of our Rangiora Lifecare residences, you will have experienced firsthand the high level of care, compassion and companionship we’ve built our reputation on. If you’re now ready to make the transition to this new chapter of your life, we’ll provide you with all the relevant information and paperwork needed to confirm your place.

  • With three locations and a wide range of accommodation options, we’re sure to have a living option that meets your care and lifestyle needs. The room you select dictates the price of your private care.

    Our facilities include both non-premium and premium rooms. Premium room prices range from $0 to $50 per day.

    Our care home managers are very happy to answer questions regarding room availability and pricing.

    Learn more about costs and funding.

  • On moving day, our team will be on hand to offer as much support as you need, both practically and emotionally. Moving to a new home always comes with excitement, nerves and a little trepidation, but we will ensure you feel welcomed from day one.

    To ease the transition for both residents and their families, we’re available to answer any questions you might have and to introduce you to your fellow residents.

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